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发布日期:2021-03-16 浏览次数:




西安建筑科技大学华清学院自成立以来,秉承“以生为本、和谐发展,全面实施素质教育”的教育理念,坚持“懂理论、强实践、高素质”的应用型本科人才培养目标,精心打造 “华清大讲堂”等综合素质教育平台,不断创新、精勤育人。华清学子在各级各类竞赛中,累计获得国际竞赛大奖7项,全国竞赛大奖25项,省级竞赛大奖400余项。2010年,学院舞蹈学专业学生表演的群舞《胡杨》取得了全国顶级专业舞蹈赛事——中国舞蹈荷花奖大赛“十佳作品奖”,这也是陕西省自全国舞蹈“荷花奖”设立以来所取得的最高荣誉;2012届建筑学专业学生在2011西安世园会展园方案设计竞赛中荣获杰出奖,是全球共八名获奖者中唯一的大学生团队;2011年,电子信息科学与技术专业学生被微软公司评为“全球最有价值的工程师”,自上世纪90年代迄今,全球仅有3000余人获此殊荣;2012年,摄影专业学生拍摄的纪录片《造云的山》在第18届上海“白玉兰”电视节上荣获“最佳导演”、“最佳摄影”两项大奖,同年在德国荣获第55届莱比锡纪录片电影节评委会大奖,是中国首位获得该国际奖项的在校大学生;2013与2014年,自动化专业学生在连续两届“亚龙杯”全国大学生智能建筑工程实践技能竞赛中荣获一等奖,该竞赛是由住建部高等学校建筑电气与智能化学科专业指导委员会主办的唯一全国性赛事;2014年,机械制造及其自动化学生在全国大学生机械创新大赛中荣获二等奖。2016年,摄影专业学子赵攀麒导演的《垃圾场》在“金熊猫”国际纪录片节上,荣获“最具社会关注纪录片”奖,成为此次国际纪录片大赛中最年轻的获奖导演。随后该片又一举夺得第四届中国国际女性影展国内竞赛二等奖的荣誉。毕业生初次就业率连续八年保持在90%以上,考研上线率保持在15%左右,毕业生在社会各界享有良好的声誉。



10多年来,在各级领导的亲切关怀与社会各界的支持下,学院整体办学实力迈上了新的台阶,赢得了社会各界的广泛赞誉。2005年,时任全国政协副主席、中国工程院院长徐匡迪来学院访问时,对学院校园规划和办学特色给予高度评价,称赞学院利用工业建筑遗产改造的校舍为中国建筑史上的创举和典范。2009年,学院团委被团中央、团省委同时确立为陕西省同类院校中唯一一所共青团基层组织建设试点单位。自2013年起,学院连续七年在中国管理科学研究院“中国独立学院综合实力100强”排行榜中位列西北地区第一位;2015与2016年,学院在中国最具影响力和公信力的大学排行榜品牌艾瑞深中国校友会网编制的《2015中国大学评价研究报告》中,位列全国独立学院排行榜前列,西北地区第一位。 2017年,在中国科学评价研究中心(RCCSE)、武汉大学中国教育质量评价中心(ECCEQ)和中国科教评价网(www.nseac.com)联合发布的2017年中国独立学院竞争力排行榜,学院以领先优势位列全国第三十一名,西北地区第一名。


Jointly founded by Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology and other social forces in new mechanism and new mode in 2004, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology Huaqing College is a full-time undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education.

Located in the famous historical and cultural city--Xi’an, Huaqing College enjoys convenient transportation. On the west, it borders on Xi’an High-Tech east development zone and is near to the east end of Second South Ring road. On the south, it faces the world-famous Giant Wild Goose Pagoda. It faces the world-famous city wall in the Ming Dynasty in the north and neighbors the scenic and pleasant Chanba Ecological District in the east. Covering an area of more than 600 Mu, Huaqing College is equipped with high-standard teaching buildings, dormitory buildings, library, catering service centers, indoor stadiums, playgrounds, students’ activity center, information and network centers, calculating centers, modern education technology centers and so on. It has complete and advanced experimental and training facilities.

As a teaching-oriented undergraduate college, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology Huaqing College features in disciplines of architecture, civil engineering, management and art, takes engineering disciplines as its main subject and coordinates the development of many disciplines. The college consists of 6 secondary schools, namely Architecture School, Civil Engineering School, School of Economics and Trade, Eletro-mechanical Engineering School, Management Engineering School and Art School, 39 undergraduate majors and 9 functional departments. The college has nearly 10,000 full-time students and over 600 full-time faculty members, among which 80% hold intermediate or senior professional and technical positions. The college actively promotes specialty construction and launches researches based on social requirements. The college consists of one provincial “Comprehensive Professional Reform Pilot” program, one experimental zone for personnel training mode innovation, one experimental teaching demonstration center, 2 provincial excellent courses and 4 utility model patents. The college has undertaken 9 national scientific and research projects, 33 provincial scientific and research projects and 31 provincial teaching reform projects, won 23 research awards at provincial level or above, published 46 textbooks among which 3 are selected as national “Twelfth Five-Year” plan textbooks, and published 7 academic monographs.

Since its establishment, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology Huaqing College has dedicated itself to creation and education, upholding the educational idea of “students-oriented principle, harmonious development and quality-oriented education”, insisting on cultivating “theory-acquired, practice-skilled and high quality” applied undergraduates, and launching the quality-oriented educational platform “Huaqing Lecture”. Students in the college have won 7 awards in international contest, 25 awards at national level and more than 400 awards at provincial level. In 2010, the collective dance “Hu Yang” performed by students majoring in Dance was awarded “Top Ten Dances” in China Lotus Dance Prize which is a top national dance competition. This award is also the best achievement within Shaanxi Province since the beginning of “Lotus Prize”. Students majoring in Architecture won the Excellent Prize in the exhibition scheme design contest for 2011 Xi’an International Horticultural Exposition and they were the only college student team among the total 8 winners. In 2011, a student majoring in Electronic Information Science and Technology was chosen by Microsoft as “World’s Most Valuable Engineer” which has been only given to more than 3,000 people all over the world since 1990s. In 2012, the documentary “Zao Shan De Yun” shot by photography major student won “Best Director” and “Best Cinematography” in the 18th Shanghai Magnolia TV Festival and won Grand Jury Prize on the 55th Leipzig International Festival for Documentary Films in Germany in the same year. The student is the 1st one to win the award. In 2013 and 2014, Automation major students won the First Prize twice in National College Intelligent Building Project Skill Contest which is the only national contest organized by the Committee of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Developments on Electrical and Intelligent Building Disciplines in higher education. In 2014, students majoring in Mechanical Manufacture and Automation won the Second Prize in the National College Mechanical Innovation Competition. In 2016, the documentary “Rubbish Dump” shot by Zhao Panqi whose major is photography, won “Most Social Concerned Documentary” at the International "Gold Panda" Awards Ceremony. She is the youngest awarded director at the ceremony.  The same documentary was awarded the Second Prize in the 4th China Women’s Film Festival soon afterwards. The initial employment rate stays above 90% for 8 years and graduates from the college gain good reputation in all walks of life. The pass-rate of the entrance exam for postgraduate stays at 15%.

The college keeps developing and expanding international exchanges. It has established cooperation with Saint Martin’s University, Northern Arizona University, University of Idaho, Northumbria University, Chaoyang University of Technology, Shih Hsin University, Nan Kai University of Technology and so on, undertaken joint training, academic exchange, short-term studies, cultural exchange in summer and winter holiday, learnt advanced educational experience, and broadened students’ and teachers’ horizons.

In 2012, the college was authorized to award Bachelor’s degree, becoming one of the first colleges among the similar schools. Abide by Regulations on Academic Degrees of the People’s Republic of China and the relevant documents issued by Shaanxi Academic Degrees Committee, the college will issue students diplomas after they finish all required courses and pass corresponding examinations, and issue them certificate of bachelor degree if they satisfy requirements. Over the years, with the care and support of leaders at all level and all circles in society, the college made progress in operation and education and gained wide praises. In 2005, the former Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and the president of Chinese Academy of Engineering- Xu Kuangdi paid a visit to the college and speak highly of its campus planning and school-running features, praising its reconstructive teach building and dormitory building as an innovation and example in China’s architectural history. In 2009, the Youth League Committee of Huaqing College was chosen as the sole pilot among the similar schools to construct basic-level organization of YLC. Since 2013, the college has ranked as No. 1 in the northwest China in the list of “Top Ten Independent Colleges in China” issued by China Academy of Management Science. The college was placed in the front rank among independent colleges in China and as the first one in the northwest China in “2015 Evaluation Research Report on Universities in China” compiled by staffs from Airuishen alumni network which is the most influential and credible network in ranking universities in China. In 2017 Independent College ranking jointly published by RCCSE, ECCEQ and www.nseac.com, the college ranked 31st in China and 1st in northwest China.

Students in 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions are welcome to the college. Since 2013, all majors in the college have recruited students as the second batch of undergraduate majors. The college was the first one to upgrade into second batch of undergraduate college among the similar schools. In the new historical start, the college will further liberate ideas, seize opportunities and strive to construct a college with rational structures, stable and high qualities and distinct features.

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